
The Board of Deacons answers Christ’s call to love one another by caring for our members and friends in times of need and distress.

Among our caring ministries are:

  • maintaining regular contact with home-bound members or those who are living in healthcare facilities.
  • coordinating volunteers to provide meals on a temporary basis to those in need.
  • delivering flowers from our worship services to those in need of a caring touch from their church family.

Pastoral Care

We are privileged to care for one another in times of difficulty. If you or a loved one are experiencing hospitalization, illness or a personal crisis of any nature, please contact the church office at (310) 474-4535 or so that needed support from our pastors or staff, be it spiritual or otherwise, can be provided.  You are important to us!

Prayer Shawl Ministry

This ministry grew out of the gathering of people who like to knit and crochet, and the influence of groups all over the country who prayerfully create handmade garments and blankets to show love and concern to others. Once completed, our items are blessed by the pastors during worship and then given to those who are ill, recovering from surgery, grieving, or just needing a reminder of God's love.


We gather periodically after the worship service to work together and help one another. It's a great time of conversation, encouragement, and refreshments. Valuable bonds are created within this small but focused group! Yarn, needles, and patterns are available for anyone who would like to join us. No experience is necessary. All are welcome!