For many years, a WPC tradition has been to adorn the sanctuary with lilies on Easter Sunday. You may purchase an Easter lily in memory or honor of a loved one and lily attributions will be included in our Easter bulletin. Each lily costs $10. Purchase your lilies after worship on the side porch today or contact the church office at (310) 474-4535 or no later than Sunday, April 14. After Easter worship, you may either take your lilies home or donate them for deacons, members, and friends of WPC to deliver to our homebound members and others in our church family in seasons of grief. Up to six dozen lilies will need to be delivered after the 11:15 am service on Easter Sunday, April 21. If you are able to assist with the deliveries, please call the church office.
Easter Lilies Dedications/Payment due!
Mon, Apr 15th
All Day
Westwood Presbyterian Church
10822 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024