Introducing WPC’s New Director of Children & Family Ministries (DCFM)

We are thrilled to introduce you to Marin Miller, our new Director of Children & Family Ministries (DCFM)! We have found a stellar candidate for this part-time position. Marin began her calling in children’s ministry as Director of Children and Youth at St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church in Rolling Hills, CA. There she discovered that the tools assembled over 20 years as an actor and teaching artist- immersive story play, song, art and games- were the very things needed to help naturally support children in their early spiritual formation. In Sunday School at WPC, Marin ensures a sacred space to create and belong, to develop empathy, to delve into the rich narratives found in the Bible, and to center one’s self in the love of God and the goodness of Life. As a teaching artist, she has led students through the process of creating performance art in camps and workshops at Nashville Children’s Theatre, Metro Parks, The Theatre Bug and has served in residencies through The Nashville Shakespeare Festival at Bellhaven Christian Academy and The Harpeth Hall School, where she directed productions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night, respectively. Marin is currently seeking a Masters of Divinity at Claremont School of Theology.  She, her husband Tyler, their daughter Tegan and sweet old dog Rosie Cotton find every opportunity they can to get outside and soak up the beautiful nature of Southern California.

Children & Family Ministries

At WPC we strive to create a welcoming and nurturing environment for preschool and elementary aged kids by focusing on three priorities:


All staff and volunteers who work with children go through thorough background checks and maintain policies designed to keep kids safe. We value body autonomy and believe that teaching about consent at a developmentally appropriate level is an important part of keeping kids safe.


WPC is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes the full participation of LGBTQ+ families in all areas of ministry. We teach that God unconditionally loves all people, and that we should seek to show that same love to our neighbors.


Jesus teaches us to care for ‘the least of these.” We strive to pass on this value to our kids through lessons that model the intrinsic value of all humans and hands-on opportunities to help others.

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered for elementary age children (K-5) during the worship service. We don't just listen to a Bible story: we experience it through science, art, music, and imagination. We currently utilize the Shine curriculum, which you can learn about here. Kids are welcome to sit with their parents in the sanctuary at the beginning of the service - they are dismissed to Sunday School following the children’s message.


Childcare is available for infants through four-year-olds each Sunday morning. Our experienced childcare providers create a space for our youngest kids that is safe, welcoming, and enriching for them.


Seasonal Selections:

During Advent, Lent, and other special seasons, our children’s choir leads in worship through music. Rehearsals typically take place following worship on Sundays. We also put on two musicals each year!

Summer Musical:

We kick off the summer with a musical production that is fresh and upbeat.

In 2024 we will be performing “Acorns to Oaks,” a musical based on the parable of the sower – and there are roles for both older and younger kids. 

Christmas Pageant: 

Each December our kids tell the story of Jesus’ birth through story and song. The selection for 2023, A Gift Fit for a King, was written by 3 of our WPC kids!

Family Events

CFM holds events for the whole family throughout the year, from small family mixers where you can connect with new friends in a more intimate setting, to big parties like our annual Easter Egg hunt or Trunk or Treat, where all ages can enjoy food, games, and fun activities! Check out our Events page to see what’s coming up, or sign up for our CFM newsletter for the latest on what’s happening for families with young kids.

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