Easter Sunday Service
Sun, Apr 21st 8am - 9:15am
Westwood Presbyterian Church 10822 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90024

Join the jubilant celebration of Jesus’ triumph over death with full choir, Easter lilies and the Hallelujah Chorus! (Parking and pews are a bit less crowded at the 8:00 service.) Childcare is provided! With so much going wrong on planet earth, we here at WPC are privileged to participate in what God is making right. This Easter’s One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering will bring signs of hope and new life to people in very difficult times. Our gifts will be divided equally between two worthy efforts: the ministries of the P.C(USA)— including the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Self-Development of People— and Homeboy/Girl Industries, which has provided the tipping point for changing the ways we deal with gangs in Los Angeles County. Homeboy/Homegirl Industries has engaged the imagination of thousands of gang members, helping them envision an exit ramp off the "freeway" of violence, addiction and incarceration. We hope that you will give generously as we continue to wrap our arms around our neighbors in need. OGHS envelopes are available in the pew racks or you can place a check in the offering plate made out to WPC with OGHS in the memo line.