Please include your church in your gift-giving this Christmas! Your above-and -beyond-your-pledge giving through the JOY Offering helps ensure that WPC's ministries continue to flourish. In addition to supporting WPC’s mission, your gifts will make a difference for those left homeless in Baton Rouge, Louisiana after the 2015 storms and for retired Presbyterian clergy in need of assistance. Use the JOY Offering envelopes in the pew rack. At this year-end tax-planning time, might you be in a position to consider an additional gift to WPC’s Westwood Fund? Gifts of securities, cash, or annuities give over and over again as they broaden our financial foundation and ensure that our church will serve our community for generations to come. Thank you for giving so faithfully all year long!
Christmas Joy Offering
Tue, Dec 24th
All Day
Westwood Presbyterian Church
10822 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024