Women Reading
Wed, May 19th 7:30pm - 9pm
Hoffman Hall

Join us for Women Reading on Wednesday, May 19 at 7:30pm on Zoom. Lise Deary will lead a discussion of Nomadland by Judith Bruder. This non fiction book that was the inspiration for the recent award winning film. The author, journalist Judith Bruder, focuses her narrative around one especially accommodating nomad, senior citizen Linda May, with whom she travels May and her fellow travelers have no fixed home, but instead live in vans or trailers, supporting themselves by working at low wage seasonal jobs at Amazon warehouse or at campgrounds, sugar beet harvest sites, and the like. The often on the edge of poverty, these new nomads build communities wherever they land, offering tips for overcoming common troubles, sharing food, repairing vehicles, and establishing a grapevine about potential employers. If you are not already on the Women Reading email list, contact us at office@westwoodpres.org to be added and receive the Zoom link prior to the meeting.