Before You Attend Services or Meetings
Determine Your Participation
- Are you or anyone in your immediate household exhibiting COVID-19 like symptoms such as fever, loss of taste or smell, chest tightness, fatigue, cough, nausea, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
- Have you had contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days? If so, be sure you test negative for COVID-19 before attending?
- Do you have a temperature over 100.4 degrees? (non-touch temperature checks will be conducted at the sanctuary entrance as a part of check-in)
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, we invite you to continue to worship with Livestream or through our posted tapings of the service.
On Thursday July 14, COVID rates in LA County rose to the red or “high” tier. For the sake of everyone’s safety - especially our more vulnerable members - we will return to requiring masks indoors for worship and meetings. Masks will continue to be required for two weeks after the return to a yellow or “medium” tier, which is according to LA County’s requirements.
During the Service
- Check-in. Ushers will maintain a table at the front, red door entrance to the Sanctuary. If it is your first Sunday, you will be asked to provide email or phone for potential contact tracing.
- Masks. Masks are required indoors during worship services.
- Offering. Offering will not be collected during the service. Please consider giving online here. Envelopes may be dropped at designated collection plates which may be found in the Narthex of the sanctuary.
- The in-person service will be both Livestreamed and recorded. We will not feature any individuals in the congregation, but your image could be partially visible on camera. Please let the church office know if you have any concerns about this matter.
- Adult Education Programs. Our Adult Education programs are now meeting after worship! Check your Sunday bulletin or News & Concerns for details on how to join Adult Bible Forum, Faith, Search, & Support, and Faith Conversations.
- Children. Children sit with their families until they are dismissed to leave through the front left door of the sanctuary with the Sunday School teachers. They’ll engage in a special time of prayer and Bible story activities on the playground. When Sunday School has concluded, children are escorted to the side porch to rejoin their families. Please contact our Director of Children & Family Ministries, Jessica Place, at if you have any questions.
- Youth. The Westwood Youth Collective (6th-12th grade) will gather upstairs in the Youth Lounge on Sunday mornings at 10:15am! We've equipped the room to host hybrid meetings so those who are unable to attend church or feel more comfortable joining from home can still participate on Zoom! Youth are asked to sit in the Sanctuary with their parents until children and youth are dismissed partway through the service. Please contact our Director of Student Ministries, Jake Putich at if you have any questions.
After the Service
After the service, enjoy fellowship outside the Sanctuary on the side porch. And in the meantime, if you cannot be with us in person for worship, we encourage you to join us online here at 10:00am. We can’t wait to see you back at WPC…whenever you are ready!