Ember Conversations
Thu, Jun 15th 7pm - 8pm
Near Westwood Village
Westwood Presbyterian Church 10822 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90024

EMBER is WPC's ministry for college students and 20-somethings. We exist to create a space for curiosity and connection, where faith can bloom into acts of justice, love, humility, and peace for the sake of our neighbors and our world. Join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month as we share food and explore faith through conversation! Each month, we gather near Westwood Village for a chance to hang out and share our lives with each other. This is a relaxed opportunity to get to know other young adults over some Persian ice cream at Saffron & Rose, or perhaps a pint at Broxton Brewery. The venue changes but our commitment to authentic conversation remains the same! Join us as we find our way toward justice, beauty, and grace through open and generous dialogue. Please email Jake Putich, Director of Youth, College, & Adult Faith Formation, at jputich@westwoodpres.org for more information!